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Elevate Your LinkedIn ™️ Presence with Comprehensive Online Training

 Are you ready to conquer the challenges of modern business on LinkedIn ™️? At B2B Growth, we understand the complexities you face in attracting clients, cultivating top-tier talent, and establishing an influential brand. Our mission is to guide you towards LinkedIn ™️ mastery, enabling you to shine in the digital landscape.

You’ve put in place many actions, yet your growth on LinkedIn ™️ is still stifling.

Endless Struggles to Attract New Clients

You’ve invested precious time, resources, and energy, only to witness lackluster results on LinkedIn ™️. The clientele you desire seems elusive, and you feel lost amidst the crowded digital space.

The Talent Hunt Conundrum

Your company’s growth depends on recruiting top-notch employees, yet the right candidates remain hidden from your grasp. The competition for talent is fierce, and you yearn for a method to stand out as the employer of choice.

Building Brand Trust 

You have a remarkable product or service, but communicating your value effectively on LinkedIn ™️ has become an arduous task. Your potential clients and candidates seem skeptical, hindering your brand’s true potential.

Stuck at a Heartbreaking Standstill

Despite your best efforts, you find yourself trapped in a stagnant loop. Your LinkedIn ™️ journey feels like treading water, while others surge ahead with remarkable success.

Our LinkedIn ™️ Online Training Programs

B2B Growth has carried out more than 100 LinkedIn ™️ trainings since 2019. We propose a comprehensive array of topics during our training sessions, catering specifically to the needs of companies like yours.

Indrek’s training, focused on expanding LinkedIn™️, fit like a glove. We have repeatedly talked about LinkedIn™️ with our team, but we had not taken any action so far. Now the whole team realized that it is a useful tool that offers great help. Indrek’s energy and presentation methods were engaging and made it easy to follow the training.

Piret PotiseppEstonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

If you want prime information on LinkedIn™️ with some practical tips, then you shouldinvite Indrek to talk about it because he does it in an engaging way. Indrek’s tips on networking were also interesting to hear.

Kerstin PiikEstonian Unemployment Insurance Fund

On September 4th, Technopolis hosted the most popular Startup Incubator MorningCoffee event, gathering around 150 marketing enthusiasts to learn about marketing on LinkedIn™️. As an experienced mentor and marketer myself, I am delighted to see that Indrek’s viewpoints are popular with other marketers and with general public aswell.

Triin IlvesTehnopol Startup Incubator

The LinkedIn™️ campaign was very successful. I definitely recommend running a LinkedIn™️ campaign for at least 2 months in a row, and to set aside enough time in your own schedule for this endeavour. At first, it takes a while to pick up momentum because the most relevant keywords reveal themselves over time. But in the second month, I already had so much correspondence with new potential customers on a daily basis, that I had to adjust my previous schedule.
We will definitely continue our cooperation with B2B Growth, as it is a very efficient and convenient solution which helps you acquire new customers without leaving your home (office).

Liis KalvikB2B Export Manager, LOOV Organic OÜ

The LinkedI™️n training was very successful and for me, it did not make any difference that it was not in a room where we could all learn together. Indrek as a trainer involved the participants well and as a result of the training, I learned many new things about how the LinkedIn™️ platform works. I definitely recommend Indrek and B2B Growth for those who are interested in making LinkedIn™️ work in their favor.

Anneli AabHead of Communications and International Cooperation, Foundation Innove

Indrek and Helen gave the workers of Magnum a wonderful, short, and striking overview of how LinkedIn™️ works and shared practical tips on how to stand out on the platform. A couple of hours of training was helpful in getting to know LinkedIn better. We learned quite a few things that we had never thought of before. For example, how important the cover photo is and how it helps to convey messages. We also liked that the trainers talked about international trends and pointed out accounts that could be used as examples when putting together a personal or a business profile. In addition to the good content of the training, the positive energy of the trainers created an enjoyable atmosphere. I definitely recommend Helen and Indrek to other businesses as well!

Karina LoiStrategic Communication Manager, Magnum AS

Here’s a non-exhaustive list of trainings that we propose:

  • The LinkedIn ™️ Unveiled: Understand what sets LinkedIn ™️ apart from other platforms and why it is a game-changer for your business.
  • Mastering the LinkedIn ™️ Ecosystem: Unlock the secrets of how LinkedIn ™️ works, unraveling its unparalleled potential.
  • The Power of Your LinkedIn ™️ Profile: Craft compelling personal and company profiles that stand out from the crowd.
  • Navigating the Company Page: Maximize the impact of your company page to amplify your brand’s reach.
  • LinkedIn ™️ Content Mastery: Learn the art of crafting captivating content that resonates with your audience.
  • Unraveling the LinkedIn ™️ Algorithm: Gain insights into LinkedIn´s ™️ algorithm to boost your visibility and engagement.
  • Building an Empowering Personal Brand: Discover how to establish yourself as a thought leader and industry influencer.
  • The Art of Lead Generation: Unleash the potential of LinkedIn ™️ as a powerful lead generation tool.
  • Employee Advocacy for Strong Employer Branding: Empower your team to become brand ambassadors and enhance your employer branding.
  • The Beacon of Thought Leadership: Elevate your social media presence with powerful thought leadership strategies.
  • Scalable LinkedIn ™️ Systems: Unlock the secrets to building scalable systems that ensure sustained growth.

Our 4 Step Approach

Step 1: The LinkedIn ™️ Discovery Phase

Before we embark on this transformative LinkedIn ™️ expedition, we begin with a comprehensive assessment of your company’s current understanding of LinkedIn ™️. This essential step allows us to gauge the starting point of your LinkedIn ™️ prowess and tailor our approach to meet your unique needs.

Step 2: Laying the Foundation

Armed with insights from the Discovery Phase, we kickstart your LinkedIn ™️ journey with a dynamic Base Training session. This phase is specially designed to enlighten key individuals within your organization, equipping them with a crystal-clear understanding of what sets LinkedIn ™️ apart from other platforms. We demystify LinkedIn‘s ™️ unique functionalities, ensuring every participant comprehends its immense potential.

Step 3: Specialized Workshops

Once the foundation is firmly established, we seamlessly transition into a series of Specialized Workshops, meticulously crafted to address your company’s specific needs. 

Leveraging our extensive expertise and profound insights from our 3-hour training sessions, each custom-tailored workshop maximizes benefits, empowering participants to grasp LinkedIn‘s  ™️ unparalleled possibilities and achieve true mastery.

Our trainers, at the forefront of LinkedIn ™️ expertise, guide you with first-hand wisdom for optimal results. With a laser-focused learning experience customized to your unique business, together, we pave the way for an exceptional LinkedIn ™️ transformation.

Step 4: Implementation 

In the realm of LinkedIn ™️ excellence, implementation is the key that unlocks true potential. We understand that while our ideal customers may possess the knowledge, they often require expert guidance to translate that knowledge into tangible results. That’s where our implementation expertise comes into play, ensuring your LinkedIn ™️ journey transcends theory and transforms into real-world impact.

  1. Creating an Aligned Strategy
  2. Profile Makeovers
  3. Content Creation: company and personal page management 
  4. Lead Generation

Join us at B2B Growth and elevate your LinkedIn ™️ journey to unprecedented heights. Let’s turn potential into powerful, real-world impact, together. Connect with us to get started.

Get in touch

Palo Alto Club
Telliskivi 60A
10412 Tallinn

+372 5215 744

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